One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker

One Tiny Lie  - K.A. Tucker

I started One Tiny Lie with the hope that it would be just as good, if not better than Ten Tiny Breaths. And while it maybe wasn't as good, it was still an awesome read, and I really enjoyed getting to see into Livie's mind. In Ten Tiny Breaths, she was very closed off. She was a loner, but in this one we really get to see her open up and thrive, which I thought was really nice!


Livie was an interesting character for me. I can very rarely identify with very driven characters, so it was kind of a shock for me. But she was just learning who she really is, and that kind of self-discovery in a character always makes me really happy. The only thing that doesn't make me happy about that trope is the fact that it almost always involves a guy. In this instance, though, Livie doesn't really let the guy define her. Her reasons are her own, and I'm so proud of her for her decisions.


On that note, let us talk about the love interest for a bit. Ashton. Oh, how I systematically loath and love you. Why am I capable of both emotions? For one, I loath you because you're a pig. You treat women like trash, like throwaways. I very much don't like that about you. And yet it seems that lots of lovable guy characters do the same?! So I kind of forgive you. A little bit. Because even though you do such terrible things like that, you're still a nice guy when it matters. But this brings me to the next question: Who are you? I really don't think that you know, which is a disappointment. I get that your past was rough, I really do. But I'd like to understand you better. Your closed off personality makes it so hard to get to know you.


Ashton & Livie together was like a power couple. They really seemed to understand each other, but I don't really understand their relationship. I feel like relationship-wise, we should have gotten more development on them. Something to really help us identify with them as a couple and really root for them. As is, I think that they need a little more work in the relationship part. This, however, did not dampen my enjoyment of One Tiny Lie!

This was, in fact, a lighter read than Ten Tiny Breaths, which was actually really nice. I liked the introduction of new secondary characters (Reagan was so fun!), and the new dynamic of the row team boys. Kacey's sense of humor and spunk was still absolutely amazing, and the fact that Kacey & Trent were still thriving together just melted my heart. *happy sigh*


All in all, One Tiny Lie is actually a really good read. I would definitely recommend it for fans of Ten Tiny Breaths!
