The Dirt Diary

The Dirt Diary - Anna Staniszewski

Other reviews at The Book Babe's Reads.


The Dirt Diary was a surprisingly cute read for me. Rachel was a sweet girl, but I'd like to say right off that she had some growing up to do. I definitely do think that she grew throughout the novel, which was a nice surprise. I was actually expecting her to just... not.


I liked that she had a hobby, cooking. I don't want to make you guys hungry or anything... but this book makes me so hungry! Brownies, brownies, brownies - all the time! And good sounding ones, like sea salt brownies, or triple chocolate. They sound so good and were described so well that I could literally taste it.

The dirt diary thing was just not as capitalized on as I expected it to be, though. There were a few things that made it out of the diary, but for the most part it stayed under lock and key. I liked the fact that Rachel made new friends through the course of the story.


All in all, The Dirt Diary was a cute read... but I really don't have much to say about it, unfortunately.
